quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2015



Geane Poteriko Silva

Anexos21:09 (Há 3 horas)
para mim
Oi, Cascaes,

Boa noite!
Envio em anexo o modelo de convite que fiz para a Assembleia Constituinte da Associação Dar a Mão, que será em 30/09.

Solicitei ao Prefeito para publicar para mim no Jornal Tribuna do Norte (onde são feitas as publicações legais da prefeitura), amanhã receberei retorno a respeito.

Gostaria de saber:

1) Se algum Companheiro Lions teria interesse em participar da Assembleia (entendo as dificuldades por localização geográfica, mas mesmo assim acho importante enviar o convite, afinal, o Lions Clube Curitiba Batel é o coração deste projeto!).

2) Se você ou o Lions possuem contatos em algum jornal que possa solicitar/fazer a divulgação (publicação).

Estou elaborando um modelo de convite informal, mais acolhedor e chamativo, para divulgar nas redes sociais visando despertar o interesse de quem queira conhecer a proposta da Associação. Espero terminar mais tarde (depois que minha filha dormir rss), encaminho-lhe posteriormente.

Um abraço!

quarta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2015

Bernie Sanders' Thoughts on Drug Company Fraud and High Cost of Medicine...

Publicado em 22 de ago de 2015
On May 23, 2012, Senator Bernie Sanders criticized the exorbitant prices Americans pay for prescription drugs and the enormous amount of fraud that takes place within the pharmaceutical industry.
Link: http://www.sanders.senate.gov/newsroo...

Abbott Labs, which agreed last month to pay $1.6 billion for illegally marketing the anti-seizure drug Depakote. The New York Times said the company also agreed to plead guilty to one misdemeanor charge for violating the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for misbranding.

Abbott Labs agreed to pay $421 million in 2010, along with two smaller companies, to settle charges that they deliberately spiked drug costs by up to 10 times the actual cost in order to boost reimbursements from Medicare and Medicaid.

Pfizer, which paid $49 million to settle charges that a subsidiary defrauded the Medicaid program by overcharging for the cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor.

A division of Pfizer pleaded guilty to two felonies and agreed to pay $430 million to settle charges that it fraudulently promoted the drug Neurontin for a string of unapproved uses.

GlaxoSmithKline, which in 2011 reached an "agreement in principle" to pay $3 billion to conclude the company's most significant ongoing federal government investigations into illegal sales and marketing practices for a diabetes drug that was severely restricted last year after it was linked to heart risks.

Merck, which in 2009 reached a $670 million settlement for fraud on patients and Medicare/Medicaid involving a conspiracy with hospitals to give the elderly cheaper drugs but charging them for the more expensive product prescribed by the patients' doctors.

Merck last year pleaded guilty to a criminal misdemeanor charge and paid a $950 million settlement for illegally promoting Vioxx for rheumatoid arthritis before that use was approved. Vioxx was linked to thousands of heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths before it was pulled from the market in 2004.

Johnson & Johnson last year illegally marketed Risperdal, an anti-psychotic medication, to nursing home patients, and paid over $2 billion in fines, a mere 6.3 percent of sales from the drug.


He Raised the Price of AIDS Medicine From $13.50 to $750 Overnight

Publicado em 21 de set de 2015
Martin Shkrelli, CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, defended the decision to raise the price of Daraprim--a toxoplasmosis drug that is frequently prescribed to HIV and AIDS patients--from $13.50 a tablet to $750 a tablet overnight. In an interview Monday with Bloomberg TV's Betty Liu, explaining that they "need to turn a profit on the drug," Shkrelli defended his position in the face of widespread criticism that even came from Hillary Clinton. Is this the free market at work, or a hedge fund manager putting profit ahead of human life? We look at the drastic price increase and fallout on the Lip News with Margaret Howell and Elliot Hill.


Newest Lip News playlist:

BUZZSAW interview clips -

CRIME TIME clips playlist -

BYOD (Bring Your Own Doc) Highlight Videos-

MEDIA MAYHEM short videos playlist -




Noam Chomsky: Free Trade & Pharmaceuticals in Australia & the USA

Publicado em 26 de jul de 2014
This is taken from a speech given by Noam Chomsky at the Lensic Theatre, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Noam Chomsky discusses how a free trade agreement between Australia and the United States stalled due to the policy in Australia that advertising should have no involvement in consumer choices in medicine.

Many Americans may be surprised to hear how things are different amongst its own allies, and both Americans and Australians may be surprised when it comes to the financial pressure that is placed to bear upon other countries to follow the line imposed by the more powerful ones.

quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2015

Os fundamentalistas religiosos e crisrtãos sabem disso? As mulheres catarinenses devem se orugulhar do nome do estado em que nasceram


Catarina de Alexandria, também conhecido como A Grande Mártir Santa Catarina (do grego ἡ Ἁγία Αἰκατερίνη ἡ Μεγαλομάρτυς) é uma santa e mártir cristã que se alega ter sido uma notável intelectual no início do século IV. Passados 1.100 anos, Joana d'Arc disse que Santa Catarina apareceu-lhe várias vezes. A Igreja Ortodoxa a venera como uma "grande mártir", e na Igreja Católica, ela é tradicionalmente reverenciada como um dos Catorze santos auxiliares.


Catarina de Siena T.O.S.D., nascida Caterina Benincasa (Siena25 de março de 1347  — Roma29 de abril de 1380), foi uma terceira da Ordem dos Pregadores(dominicanos), filósofa escolástica e teóloga do século XIV. Lutou arduamente para trazer o papado de Gregório XI de volta para Roma durante o chamado "Cisma do Ocidente", um período de quase um século no qual se estabeleceu o papado de Avinhão, e também foi fundamental para a restauração da paz entre as cidades-estado italianas.


Catarina de Vigri ou Santa Catarina de Bolonha (Bolonha8 de setembro de 1413 — Bolonha, 9 de março de 1463) foi uma freira e santa italiana.
Era filha de um diplomata. A tradição diz que seu pai recebeu uma visão dizendo a ele que ela iria nascer. Dama de honra da filha de uma marquesa, Catarina recebeu a mesma educação e treinamento de sua patroa. Fez-se franciscana terciária com 14 anos; a seguir, freira das Clarissas Pobres e madre das noviças.
Estabeleceu um convento de Clarissas Pobres em Bolonha em 1456, e lá serviu como abadessa. Mística, fazia milagres e ainda era profetisa e visionária. Também era pintora e decifrava manuscritos como se estivesse iluminada por um anjo. Em um dia de Natal recebeu uma visão de Jesus nos braços de Maria. Esta visão ela pintou em um quadro que se encontra no Museu do Vaticano.

2015 Global Peace Index

Publicado em 16 de jun de 2015
The 2015 Global Peace Index reveals a divided world, with the most peaceful countries enjoying increasing levels of peace and prosperity, while the least peaceful countries spiral into violence and conflict.


Explore the state of world peace on the interactive Global Peace Index map.

Researchers at the Institute for Economics and Peace have analysed 23 indicators to gauge the absence of violence or the fear of violence in 162 countries over the past eight years.

Globally, levels of peace remained stable over the last year, however the world is slightly less peaceful than it was in 2008.
Since last year, 81 countries have become more peaceful, while 78 have deteriorated.

Many countries in Europe, the world’s most peaceful region, have reached historically high levels of peace. This is largely due to reduction in the number of homicides, decrease in military expenditure, and the withdrawal of forces from Iraq an Afghanistan. 15 of the 20 most peaceful countries are in Europe.

The Middle East and North Africa is now the world’s least peaceful region for the first time since the Index began, due to an increase in civil unrest and terrorist activity.

This has led to a sharp rise in the number of refugees and Internally Displaced People (IDPs).

Globally the intensity of internal armed conflict has increased dramatically, with the number of people killed in conflicts rising over 3.5 times from 49,000 in 2010 to 180,000 in 2014.

The economic impact of violence reached a total of US$14.3 trillion or 13.4% of global GDP last year.

To find out more, visit: www.visionofhumanity.org to explore the interactive peace map and download the report.